Eliz Roses IV, 2019.jpg

Elizabeth Smarz is a multidisciplinary artist born, raised, and currently based in Chicago with a proclivity towards natural havens. Elizabeth graduated from Naropa University in 2014 with Bachelor’s degrees in both Fine Arts and Contemplative Psychology. Elizabeth’s work oscillates between film photography, painting, and drawing while sharing and exploring similar threads of inspiration. Her practices are grounded in the visualization of Indra’s Net, the belief in the interconnectedness of the Universe, spanning the spectrum of micro to macrocosm. Smarz’s work seeks to uncover and hold space for moments of Drala, connecting with the sacred through body-mind practices. She approaches the material with a meditative sensitivity towards internal impulses which guide the work and collaborate with the present moment. A sense of balance, growth, and beauty permeate throughout her series, providing experiences of peace and contemplation.